Monday, March 21, 2011


Ms. Pigg looked cleaner than car that just came out of the car wash in her washed clothes. She puts away her Sousaphone in her room because her lips are shot, and rumor has it that there is a carnival in town, so Ms. Pigg walks over to the vacant lot to check it out. Ms. Pigg's favorite ride at a Carnival is the Bumper Cars, because she loves getting whip-lashed left and right. Ms. Pigg was pissed off though when she saw the ride had been closed because some idiots, Agnes Monaghan and a Clown decided to have a lunch break in the cars and they would not get out. I guess they were in love or something so Ms. Pigg just walked away from the situation with steam flying out of her red ears and hot head. She was so mad because there was nothing to do about it since no employees seemed to be running that specific ride.
Ms. Pigg walks up to a booth where the objective is to get 3 rings and land them on a Coke bottle. After spending 20 dollars on the game, her 7th game was more lucky for Ms. Pigg. Ms. Pigg landed all three rings on the same bottle and she was ecstatic, but the prizes were not hanging up on a wall like they would at a normal carnival. No, this booth had prizes of live animals, tattoo's, crack pipes, and other weird shit. So Ms. Pigg picked out the last living frog in the mini pool and she stuck it in her pocket. Ms. Pigg saved that frog because if she didn't get that frog out it was going to die like the others lying in the pool. Ms. Pigg had the brightest idea, and she was also broke from all the money spent on that one stupid game. On the way home Ms. Pigg swiftly walks through the park and takes out the frog in her pocket and lets it loose near the pond. The frog hops off, and Ms. Pigg has never felt a more accomplishing feeling than this. She wipes the tears off her long face and heads home for a peaceful nap.

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