Thursday, May 12, 2011

The End

Ms. Pigg flipped the egg on the pan as she wiped the sleepy shit from her eyelids, blew her nose and hocked a loogy. She never felt so good after all that was over and as she was swallowing her last bite of cheesy egg. Ms. Pigg prepares for a day out in the neighborhood as she puts on her summer clothes and greases up her Sousaphone valves. Ms. Pigg feels a single coin tumbling around in her back left pocket. She digs it out, and its a shiny new penny. She thought to herself, "The best place for this would be the bottom of the fountain on Calloway Blvd." So Ms. Pigg grabs her Sousa and heads to the fountain.
"What the hell?!?!" screams Ms. Pigg, "Why is Ms. Monagan on the bottom face down on the pavement and not breathing?!? Somebody has got to take her the hospital or the funeral home because it for damn sure isn't my job." So Ms. Pigg walked away from the scene and headed to the fountain where a police officer is nearby. This is perfect, because now Ms. Pigg can tell the cop that Ms. Monagan is either dead or putting on a damn good act.
Once there Ms. Pigg waves to the smoking policeman, puts her Sousa down for a minute to rest her back, and launches the penny into the fountain throwing it backwards over her right shoulder for good luck. The policeman sure was enjoying that cigarette because once he was finished on his last puff he tossed it into the street and watched the street sweeper suck it up.
Ms. Pigg notices some neighbors come up from the subway tunnel, particularly Jude C. Wright. Ms. Pigg laughs her ass off when Jude stumbles on the steps as his eyes almost pop out of his head once he see's the fountain is working.
Aaron Pernie has the same surprised look on his face that Jude did, but he is not moving. Jude is standing dead still in the center of the basketball court staring at the fountain. Ms. Pigg does not understand the sudden importance of the fountain and why everybody is staring at it like a fat kid does to a ice cream menu.
This is a perfect place for Ms. Pigg to set up her Sousaphone and play some tunes for her neighbors, and make some spare change. She knows that everybody is going to talk about the fountain, or the death of Ms. Monaghan.
After a long 12 hours by the fountain, Ms. Pigg saw almost everybody that lived in Watershed Heights. It was now midnight and Ms. Pigg's lips were starting to bleed from so much playing. As she was walking slowly home, Ms. Pigg saw two more people lying face down on the ground. Remus and Josh were lying next to each other with a dozen policeman looking down from the top of Watershed Heights apartment. There was blood everywhere, and Ms. Pigg was starting to freak out about her neighbors jumping off the eight story building. So to get her mind off the eventful day, Ms. Pigg shot up some Heroin. Ms. Pigg didn't want to remember this day ever again, so she passed out on her soft mattress.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Ms. Pigg lifted her nose up high in the air because there was a strong aroma of apple pie in the air. Everywhere she walked the smell followed her even in the elevator. So Ms. Pigg walked around with a full stomach from the greasy combo she ate earlier. After a half an hour she saw a mob of everybody in the town around the diner.
As Ms. Pigg walked closer to the diner the harder it was to move, but the stronger the smell of apple pie. It was especially harder for Ms. Pigg to walk through the crowd because she had a 30 pound Sousaphone on her back. Finally Ms. Pigg walked in and she saw a dark overcrowded diner.
Everybody was in line except for Billy Farsk, who was putting his walet back in his pocket and headed to the exit door. He was out in a hurry because nobody wanted to leave, but Ms. Pigg had to have a piece of that fresh apple pie that she's been smelling for the past hour. So Ms. Pigg had the best idea, she would provide the diner Sousaphone entertainment if she could get a piece of pie before the rest of crowd. The cashier agreed and let Ms. Pigg get a warm piece that was right out of the oven.
After swallowing the pie faster than you could spell "apple pie" Ms. Pigg went outside to play her Sousa. It was a beautiful day and Ms. Pigg had a big smile as she played and watched other happy neighbors leave the diner with a full stomach and smile also.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Diner Dash

Ms. Pigg was very hungry and was in the mood for a greasy burger-fry combo. Power-walking to the diner she played her Sousaphone on the way because she thought it would be good practice. After a quick walk she arrives at the diner, and brings her Sousaphone in the restaurant so she can keep an eye on it. Ms. Pigg sat next to Bianca Bonelli and watched her movements out of the corner of her eye. When the waiter approached he to take her order, she was taking forever. She was staring into space about something, possibly about the recent crazy events that have happened in Watershed Heights. She finally ordered a salad and water which is the exact opposite of what Ms. Pigg was going to get in terms of healthy choices.
Ms. Pigg ordered the greasy combo with a large chocolate shake to wash it all down. The food smelled like a burnt piece of toast, which is from burger that looks like a hockey puck. The food tasted pretty bad, but Ms. Pigg did not want the meal to go to waste so she put hot sauce all over her burger and fries. Ms. Pigg knows that hot sauce will make just about anything eatable. Ms. Pigg enjoys every bite of her new spiced up meal. After the last bite, Ms. Pigg licks her fingers at the end of her meal to make sure she gets every tasty greasy remains in her mouth. The waiter of the diner than gives her the check, but while he's doing that he explains, "the meal is on us, due to the hockey puck." Ms. Pigg was so happy because she didn't know how to pay for the meal anyways because she hasn't made any money in a while. All she had were a few quarters in her pocket. After getting out of the grease pit, Ms. Pigg gets her Sousa and plays a few tunes outside of the diner to make a few bucks for her next meal.