Saturday, May 7, 2011


Ms. Pigg lifted her nose up high in the air because there was a strong aroma of apple pie in the air. Everywhere she walked the smell followed her even in the elevator. So Ms. Pigg walked around with a full stomach from the greasy combo she ate earlier. After a half an hour she saw a mob of everybody in the town around the diner.
As Ms. Pigg walked closer to the diner the harder it was to move, but the stronger the smell of apple pie. It was especially harder for Ms. Pigg to walk through the crowd because she had a 30 pound Sousaphone on her back. Finally Ms. Pigg walked in and she saw a dark overcrowded diner.
Everybody was in line except for Billy Farsk, who was putting his walet back in his pocket and headed to the exit door. He was out in a hurry because nobody wanted to leave, but Ms. Pigg had to have a piece of that fresh apple pie that she's been smelling for the past hour. So Ms. Pigg had the best idea, she would provide the diner Sousaphone entertainment if she could get a piece of pie before the rest of crowd. The cashier agreed and let Ms. Pigg get a warm piece that was right out of the oven.
After swallowing the pie faster than you could spell "apple pie" Ms. Pigg went outside to play her Sousa. It was a beautiful day and Ms. Pigg had a big smile as she played and watched other happy neighbors leave the diner with a full stomach and smile also.

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