Thursday, September 9, 2010


It was 3:45 when Ms. Pigg gave LucyP a Sousaphone lesson. Lucy seemed really interested in the instrument because she kept on asking questions about it. Earlier this morning Marjorie Wilkins didn't wave to Ms. Pigg. All she did was look at Ms. Pigg like a crazy lady. Ms. Pigg noticed Brian run past her, slip and fall on his face. Ms. Pigg cracked up when she saw this.
Ms. Pigg talked to Leeroy for a while and asked if he would like to go to lunch with her. Ms. Pigg doesn't mind nudist. She was even considering taking off her clothes and joining Leeroy at lunch. Ms. Pigg's favorite food was vietnamese so she suggested that they go together and have lunch naked.

Ms. Pigg got tired of waving to people so she wanted to see if anybody was at the lake. She wanted something to eat, and she felt like eating fish. She got her bait and tackle, umbrella, and lawn chair and posted up at the lake. The lake didn't look to clean but Ms. Pigg didn't give a shit. After two long hours of fishing she finally caught something and carried it home in her hand. When Ms. Pigg got home she fried it up, ate it, and took a nap when she was done.

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